Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Anne Braden program

This fall, local activist Lynne Purvis will be leaving Florida to participate in a 4 month anti-racist political education and leadership development program in San Francisco. The Anne Braden Program is designed to support the vision, strategy, and organizing skills of white activists in becoming accountable, principled anti-racist organizers building multiracial movements for justice.

The Anne Braden Program is put on by the Catalyst Project, a center for political education and movement building based in the San Francisco Bay Area. They organize in majority white sectors of social justice movements with the goal of deepening anti-racist commitment in white communities and helping to build multiracial movements for collective liberation. They do this by creating spaces for activists to collectively develop deeper political analysis, vision, strategy and organizing skills. Their work is based in the belief that all people have a right to dignity, housing, food, healthcare, meaningful work and healthy communities. Catalyst organizes with the understanding that anti-racism can be a catalyst for challenging all forms of oppression and creating fundamental change.

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